Monday, 28 March 2011

Friday, 25 March 2011

Friday 25th March


'Nasty Girls'

3 rounds

50 Squats
7 muscle ups
9 Hang Power Cleans 60kg/42.5kg

Monday, 14 March 2011

Monday 14th March


Max weight 30m Overhead Barbell Carries


5 rounds

30m Overhead Barbell Carry 70kg/50kg
10 toes to bar

Friday, 11 March 2011

Friday 11th March







Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg

visit for great CrossFit clothing and WOD wear!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Tuesday 8th February



Rack Jerk


'Freddy's Revenge'

5 rack to overhead 85kg
10 Burpees

5 Rounds

'Pass the slightly medicine ball shaped parcel'

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Monday 7th March


Megan's Birthday WOD

AMRAP 5 Min 'Mary'
10 One Legged Squats
15 Pullups

rest 2 min

AMRAP 5 min 'Elizabeth lite'
Dumbell Squat Cleans 20kg/15kg
Ring Dips

rest 2 min

AMRAP 5min 'Grace'
30 GTOH @ 60kg/42.5kg

rest 2 min

AMRAP 5min 'Annie'
Double unders

rest 2 min

AMRAP 5min 'Nancy lite'
200m run
15 OH Squat @ 30kg/20kg

1 point is allocated for each round completed, in the case of Elizabeth lite 1 point for each exercise is given. For 'Annie' 1 point for each round is given (i.e. 50 double unders + 50 situps = 1 point). And for Grace, 1 point is allocated for every 5 repetitions performed.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Saturday 6th March


'Painstorm V'

Pet rocks

Partner up and each person perform

3 rounds for time:

15 X 95# Bear Complex

30 Pull ups

60 Push ups

400 M

The "pet rocks" can be a pair of 1.5 pood kettlebells, 50# dumbbells,

or 45# plates. One partner holds the pets while the other does the

exercise. You may switch when necessary, but they must not touch

the ground. Pets hate to be left alone or worse yet dropped. If the

"pets" are dropped or set down on the ground each partner must add

5 reps to the exercise they are doing.

Below find the history of the painstorm by CrossFit Rockford

History of the Painstorm

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Wednesday 2nd March


5 rounds for load

12 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
9 Hang Power snatch
6 OH Squat

rest as needed between rounds. Bar must not be left to settle during a round.

"Every human being should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves. You know what to eat, how to train, and what to do if you have a cut; you should also know how to fix your tight hips, painful knees, and stiff shoulders, and how to make yourself faster and more powerful. It's too much to mobilize everything, all the time, everyday. Start somewhere. The Mobility Wod should take you four to 10 minutes to complete. Do it everyday. Remember the areas that feel like a Shaman's Blow."

- Kelly Starrett

to keep up to date with your mobility follow the MWOD daily, the Mobility WOD can be found here